Wordless Books

Rundherum In Meiner Stadt

Ali Mitgutsch

Ali Mitgutsch is known as the father of the ‘wimmelbook’ – that is a large format wordless picturebook teeming with people and activities to spot.

Spread from Rundherum In Meiner Stadt showing a construction site

This board version of Rundherum In Meiner Stadt (Around in my City) was the first in a series of similar books the illustrator created in the 1960s.

Spread from Rundherum In Meiner Stadt showing an outdoor swimming scene

The seven spreads, together with the front and back cover that forms an eighth image, show busy scenes within a city, from a construction site to a dockside to a fun fair. All are packed with incident, and the fun is to pore over the pictures to see how many different things you can find.

Spread from Rundherum In Meiner Stadt showing a fun fair