The Midnight Adventures of Kelly, Dot, and Esmeralda, John S. Goodall, McElderry Books/Atheneum, USA, 1972
A Circle of Friends, Giora Carmi, Star Bright Books, USA, 2003
Field Trip to the Ocean Deep, John Hare, Holiday House Publishing, Inc., USA, 2020
Black & White, Tana Hoban, HarperCollins Children's Books, USA, 2007
Bobo’s Dream, Martha Alexander, Dial Books for Young Readers, USA, 1970
Another, Christian Robinson, Atheneum Books for Young Readers, USA, 2019
Flora and the Flamingo, Molly Idle, Chronicle Books, USA, 2013
Holland, Charlotte Dematons, Lemniscaat, Netherlands, 2012
Wave, Suzy Lee, Chronicle Books, USA, 2008
Shapes and Things, Tana Hoban, Macmillan Publishing Company, USA, 1970
The Fisherman & the Whale, Jessica Lanan, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, USA, 2019
Migrants, Issa Watanabe, Libros del Zorro Rojo, Spain, 2019
The Little Barbarian, Renato Moriconi, Companhia das Letrinhas, Brazil, 2013
Hot on the Scent, Bente Bech and Peter Lind, Munksgaard Publishers Ltd, Denmark, 1990
Noah’s Ark, Peter Spier, Doubleday, USA, 1977
I Walk With Vanessa, Kerascoët, Schwartz & Wade Books, USA, 2018
A Special Birthday, Symeon Shimin, McGraw-Hill Book Company, USA, 1976
Every Little Kindness, Marta Bartolj, Miš Publishing, Slovenia, 2018
Flashlight, Lizi Boyd, Chronicle Books, USA, 2014
Fox’s Garden, Princesse Camcam, Éditions Autrement, France, 2013
Baby Takes a Trip, Marilyn MacGregor, Four Winds Press, USA, 1985
Yellow Umbrella, Jae Soo Liu with music by Dong Il Sheen, Jaimimage Publishing Co., Korea, 2001
Bus 24, Guy Billout, Harlin Quist, Inc., USA, 1972
The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher, Molly Bang, Four Winds Press, USA, 1980
Imagine!, Raúl Colón, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, USA, 2018
A Long Piece of String, William Wondriska, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, USA, 1963
The Spider Web, Julie Brinckloe, Doubleday & Company, Inc., USA, 1974
Journey to the Moon, Erich Fuchs, Verlag Heinrich Ellermann, Germany, 1969
The Balcony, Melissa Castrillón, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, USA, 2019
Unspoken, Henry Cole, Scholastic Press, USA, 2012
A Day, A Dog, Gabrielle Vincent, Editions Duculot, France, 1982
Thunderstorm, Arthur Geisert, Enchanted Lion, USA, 2013
Sir Andrew, Paula Winter, Crown Publishers, Inc., USA, 1980
Drip, Drop, Donald Carrick, Macmillan, USA, 1973
This Book is for Us, Anne Wouters, Pastel, Belgium, 1991
Deep In The Forest, Brinton Turkle, E. P. Dutton, USA, 1976
Tuesday, David Wiesner, Houghton Mifflin Company, USA, 1991
Spot, the Cat, Henry Cole, Little Simon, USA, 2016
The Spring Hat, Madelaine Gill, Simon & Schuster, USA, 1993
The Night Riders, Matt Furie, McSweeney’s McMullens, USA, 2012
Mouse Around, Pat Schories, Farrar Straus Giroux, USA, 1991
Junglewalk, Nancy Tafuri, Greenwillow Books, USA, 1988
What Whiskers Did, Ruth Carroll, Macmillan, USA, 1932
Museum Trip, Barbara Lehman, Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, USA, 2006
Pancakes for Breakfast, Tomie dePaola, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, USA, 1978
Peter Spier’s Rain, Peter Spier, Doubleday, USA, 1982
Wolf In The Snow, Matthew Cordell, Feiwel and Friends, USA, 2017
Door, JiHyeon Lee, Iyagikot Publishing Co., South Korea, 2017
Mouse Numbers, Jim Arnosky, Clarion Books, Houghton Mifflin Company, USA, 1999
The Midnight Circus, Peter Collington, Heinemann Young Books, UK, 1992
Time Flies, Eric Rohmann, Crown Publishers, Inc., USA, 1994
A Stone For Sascha, Aaron Becker, Candlewick Press, USA, 2018
The Secret Box, Barbara Lehman, Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, USA, 2011
You Can’t Take A Balloon Into The Metropolitan Museum, Jacqueline Preiss Weitzman and Robin Preiss Glasser, Dial Books for Young Readers, USA, 1998
A Ball for Daisy, Chris Raschka, Schwartz & Wade Books, USA, 2011
Changes, Changes, Pat Hutchins, Simon & Schuster, USA, 1971
The 46 Little Men, Jan Mogensen, Munksgaard, Denmark, 1990
Anno’s Journey, Mitsumasa Anno, Fukuinkan Shoten, Japan, 1977
Float, Daniel Miyares, Simon & Schuster, USA, 2015
Picnic, Emily Arnold McCully, Harper & Row Publishers, USA, 1984
The Farmer and the Clown, Marla Frazee, Beach Lane Books, USA, 2014
Dr Anno’s Magical Midnight Circus, Mitsumasa Anno, Fukuinkan Shoten, Japan, 1971
Lines, Suzy Lee, Chronicle Books, USA, 2017
Sidewalk Circus, Paul Fleischman and Kevin Hawkes, Candlewick Press, USA, 2004
Chalk, Bill Thomson, Two Lions, Amazon Children’s Publishing, USA, 2010
The Girl and the Bicycle, Mark Pett, Simon & Schuster, USA, 2014
The Adventures of Polo, Régis Faller, Bayard Éditions Jeunesse, France, 2002
The Bear & The Fly, Paula Winter, Crown Publishers, Inc., USA, 1976
Shadow, Suzy Lee, Chronicle Books, USA, 2010
The Chicken’s Child, Margaret A. Hartelius, Doubleday, USA, 1975
Free Fall, David Wiesner, HaperCollins Publishers, USA, 1988
Pool, JiHyeon Lee, Iyagikot Publishing Co., South Korea, 2013
The Magic Stick, Kjell Ringi, , Sweden, 1960
The Chicken Thief, Béatrice Rodriguez, Les Éditions Autrement, France, 2005
The Red Book, Barbara Lehman, Houghton Mifflin Company, USA, 2004